We went litter picking with the Melton Matters Wombles in the town centre. 6 bags just in the laurel bushes!

Today we made a donation to the 1940’s war weekend. This enables the event to stay admission free. If there is anything that you could donate to help this great Melton event then they would massively appreciate it! Please email melton40sevent@outlook.com for more information. Thank you!

We have been collecting data for the last year and have used it to calculate the carbon footprint of Oak Tree Domestic Services (see green clean). This figure has then been used to work out how many trees it will take to offset it.
Using English Oak it will take 85 trees!
Seems quite a lot and it is certainly more than we can fit into our garden! Over the next few months we will be reaching out to as many people as possible to help plant them and will publish guidance on where and when to plant them and how to nurture them.

If you can help and would like to be involved then please get in touch!