1.1 We are SER & JMT Limited trading as Oak Tree Domestic Services.

1.2 Our company number is 15483661

2.1 Employees of OTDS will wear body cameras while undertaking their duties. This is to protect both our staff and our clients and their properties.

2.2 By law, if any recordings made by a body camera are viewed then an SIA license is required.

2.3 SER & JMT Limited and staff will NEVER view any of the recorded footage except in the event of a legal allegation brought against the company or any of it`s staff members. Should this happen then the required licensing will be acquired. The footage will only ever be viewed in the presence of appropriate legal representation and in full accordance with the law.

2.4 All recorded footage is stored at the companies office and deleted after 6 months. The footage is stored in password protected folders only accessible by the directors of SER & JMT Limited.

2.5 All customers/clients reserve the right to ask us not to wear body cameras.

3.1 All members of staff at OTDS have been subject to a DBS check prior to any work being carried out on behalf of our clients. Details of the DBS checks are stored at the companies office.

4.1 All of the chemicals that are used by OTDS come with COSHH sheets which the client may request to see at any time.

5.1 The company has a duty under the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974, to provide a safe and healthy working environment. All employees have a responsibility under the Act to exercise reasonable care of themselves, other employees and members of the public during the course of their work.

5.2 OTDS reserve the right to refuse to carry out any work which we deem as operating outside of our expected scope or which we consider to be dangerous.